The sports association

Association sportive du Golf de Lancieux




- Set up the club competitions (in compliance with the rules and etiquette)
   within the framework set by the FFGolf
- Organise and lead the golf school
- Allow Ladies teams participation and Gentlemen, Seniors and Youth at the federal competitions
   and Leagues
- Encourage the practice of golf and to participate in its development.
- Develop conviviality between the club members
- Liaise with the French Golf Federation, the League of Brittany, the Departmental Committee of Golf


The financial income mainly from:
- The membership dues
- Rights of play seen at competitions
- Grants may be paid by local authorities, departmental and regional

The main expenses:
- Golf School Management (wages Pros, small equipment, miscellaneous expenses, ..)
- Costs related to the participation of teams at external competitions
- The purchase price for the winners of club competitions
- The organization of demonstrations of the Association

President: Philippe Benadretti

Vice President : Yannick Le Saux 

Treasurer : Claude Pecoul 

Secretary : René Guilloux 

Senior manager :Philippe Bergeron 

Entertainment manager : Marie-Paule Bertel


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